The client parent that we are connecting too.
The individual port connection options. Some values will be defaulted by the parent server connection.
The function that will send the returned information back to the client after we got a response from the server.
Send a HL7 Message to the Listener
This function sends a message/batch/file batch to the remote side. It has the ability, if set to auto-retry (defaulted to 1 re-connect before connection closes)
// the OB was set from the orginial 'createConnection' method.
let message = new Message({
messageHeader: {
msh_9_1: "ADT",
msh_9_2: "A01",
msh_11_1: "P" // marked for production here in the example
}async sendMessage (message: Message | Batch | FileBatch): void {
await OB.sendMessage(message)
Connection Class
Create a connection customer that will listen to result send to the particular port.